Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Agony of the Feet

Not much has been posted here in three years - a function of a move from one residence to another, in which a folder full of strips disappeared.

But some strips got found that I had never remembered, including this threesome, drawn sometime in 1980. One of the effects of being on the once-a-week shower plan (weekly showers whether we needed them or not) is a baked-in stink. The Strategic Gamers were famous for parking themselves outside the thursday offices, often for 72 hours straight, and by that third day, they had begun to ripen into something resembling a Corpse Flower. Gaming was the most important thing in their lives and nothing could deter them. These days, there are people who spend their every waking moment playing games, but they rarely have need to leave their rooms or otherwise expose themselves to the outside world (and this new breed is nothing like the nerds with their board games).

Stinky feet, however, know no class distinctions, visiting rich and poor, bosses and underlings alike. There are various foot powders and deodorants that can be deployed against them, but feet tend to spend long days in shoes, so the aroma must always be contended with.

Or ignored, which is what creates cartoons:
I've never heard whether they ever graced the pages of The Tech - which is to where most of the thursday cartoons transferred after the newspaper folded in 1979.

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