Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Architect's Dilemma

Actually, this is not such an unusual problem. Architects have to answer questions like this all the time in their professional lives. The quick answer is, "Call in the structural engineer."

I had a choice between engineering and architecture when I was in college (or as they say at MIT "a choice between Course 1 and Course 4). Architecture had two strikes going against it - first, the career prospects for an architect are heavily dependent on the economy of the construction industry, which tends to be more boom-bust than other professions. For a second, architects tend to have grand ambitions all out of proportion to what is achievable in the real world, and that clash between ambition and reality tends to become rather heated at times. Case in point was a graduate from the Masters Program in Architecture at MIT in 1975. He had a grand ambition to develop a string of settlements in Judea and Samaria. His name was Binyamin Netanyahu.

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